Sunday, February 27, 2011

New items

Here is a sneak peek of some of the new necklaces that I will be listing on Etsy this week.

Don't forget that I'm more then happy to custom make jewellery for you, if you have any ideas or requests please leave a comment and I'll get in touch with you.

Also don't forget to sign up to the facebook page for updates and news.

Check out my store!


  1. Hi! I just found you on the Etsian newbie team page... Your blog is looking lovely... I like the way you're photographing your items! Looks wonderful!

    <3 jenna(saurus)

  2. Thanks so much! I just followed your blog and it looks awesome too! I must admit to having lots of help in the blog department, my partner is a techno wiz and helps me out heaps. I did do some photography at uni but really I just have a great camera, I just point and shoot and it does the rest :)
